Donor Recognition
The First Coast Relief Fund has been effective and has endured thanks to the support of hundreds of donors like those highlighted below, who were integral to COVID-19 immediate response and who we are grateful to have continuing to work in our community.
Donors of $150,000 and above

Donors $100,000 to $149,999

Donors $20,000 to $99,999

Donors up to $19,999
Advanced Medical Centers | Suzanne Godwin | Linda Olson |
Aerojet Rocketdyne Foundation | Lindsay Graves | Nancy Osborrne |
James and Lesley Allegro | Adrian Hugh and Susan Greene | Nancy O'Steen |
A. Graham Allen | Kourtney Green | Lisa Palmer |
Angela Allen | Barbara Gubbin | Avanirs Pan |
Joan Altes | Jackie Hadley | John and Davy Parrish |
Christie Atkerson | Mary Hall | Eileen Parry |
Kamesh Aysola | William Hamel | Sarah Patch |
Edward Bajek | Steve Hard | Celia Paulk |
Gail Baker | Anissa Harmon | Elizabeth Paulson |
Tom and Martha Baker | Ann and Martin Harrell | Andrew Pearson |
Chris and Elizabeth Ball | Jo Ann Hart | Gary Pedroni |
Teressa and Andy Barmer | Preston Haskell | Mariette Peiris |
Kenneth Barton | Elizabeth Head | Veronica Perez |
Margaret Barton and Tom Kimbrough | Virginia Head | Michael and Frances Peters |
Richard Batsavage | Robert and Lindsey Helms | Scott Petry |
Shazeda Beharry | Basilla Henderson | Matilda Phan |
Raymond and Anne Belz | Ralph and Patricia Henderson | Robert Porter |
Linda and Stanley Bennett | Michael Herman | Sudhir Prabhu |
Teresa Bennett | Ann Hicks | Providence Construction Co. |
James and Kathleen Vande Berg | Evan Hicks | Juana Rabaino-Dole |
Sandra Bohanan | Ashley Renee Higgs | Verssie Randolph |
Jay Bolan | Marianne Hillegass | Jason Raymond |
Catherine Boniface | Christine Hoffman | Elizabeth Raynor |
William Bowen | Brian Homan | Denise Reagan |
Bruce and Mary Bower | Susan Horne | Candido Rivera |
Katy Boylan | Richard and Meredith Horvath | Nancy Rivera |
Hubert and Florence Brannon | John Hsu Westlake Family | Chris and Amye Robb |
Michelle Braun | Nan Hucker | Donald Roberts |
Selena Breedlove | Julia Hurst | William Robinson |
Ann Breidenstein | William Hurst | Barbara J. Robinson and Carlos M. Fraticelli |
Debbie Brooks | Melanie Husk | Robinson Family |
Leslie and Sol Brotman | Paul Ina | Rebekah Rogers |
Carrie Brown | Jill Iorio | Jamie Rood Advised Fund |
Lynn Brown | Rubye Black Jackson | Carolyn and Terrone Rosenberry |
Rene Brown | Shannon Jacquot | Elizabeth Ross |
Lee Ann Buchanan | Jerry James | Lilla Ross |
Jamie Burnett | C. Suzanne Hendrix Janning | Linda Ross |
John Bush | Margaret Johnson | Christina Ruel |
Brad Bushor | Lawrence and Kathy Kanter | Kim Rutkowski |
Rebecca Callahan | Vicky Karr | Brigida Sanchez |
David Cameron | William and Sandra Kastelz | Jeffrey Sander |
Lane Campau | Joanna Kee-Sampson | Martha Sawyer |
Cody Capps | Richard Keith | Francis Schaefer |
Matthew Carlucci | Virginia Kelley | Milena and Matthew Schrader |
The Chester Bedell Inn | Michelle Kertzman | Karen Schum |
Betty Chinnis | Naomi Kline | Rebecca A. Schumann |
John Churchill | Eric Kohorn | Ryan Schwartz |
Dale L. Clifford | Jenifer Kolb | James Schwarz and Trisha Meili |
Christina Clohecy | Shawna Kolka | Pratty Scott |
James Clower | Michael and Pamela Korn | Tamara Sedlacek |
Elizabeth Coffey | KPMG | Mohan R. Selvamoorthy |
Jennifer Connell | Suzy Lamoureux | William Shannon |
Kris Cooper | Ashley Laney | Alice Sheridan |
Marita Corcoran | Rick Lasseter | Sally Singletary |
David Courtwright | Suzanne Layton | Kimberly and Richard Sisisky |
John Crowell | Gasper and Irene Lazzara | Adam Skinner |
Carol Crozier | Janice Leonard | Donald Smith |
Brenda M. Csencsits | Jeffrey and Irene Levenson-Family Fund | Joshua Smith |
Austin and Julie Cunkle | Anne Lewellen | Kent Smith |
Linda Cunningham | Peter Lewis | Kristin Smith |
James Cusick | Harry and Sylvia Livingston Family | Tiffany Smith |
Robbie Cutcliffe | Joseph Love | Jay Solomon |
Krista Davidson | Todd Low | Jasmine Souers |
Deboria Davis | Luanne Luby | Christopher Speck |
Kevin Davis | Dianne Main | Jack and Savanneh Stacey |
Deloitte | Susan Main | Jon and Nicole Staman |
Delores Barr Weaver TCF Staff Giving Fund | Nicole Mallari | Christi Stanton |
Joni Deoudes | Noreen Mansfield | Cindy Staples |
Jeanette Devine | Carole Manucy | Max Staplin |
Kathleen Devine | MarketCipher Partners | Carol Stocchi |
Rick Diaz | Ana Marquez | Mark and Karla Stuart |
Emily DiMaggio | Elizabeth Masciopinto | Alan Szlosek |
Ed and Susan Doherty Advised Fund | R. A. Matheny | Mike and Alyssa Taliaferro |
Khowhaniques Dorestin | Lynn Matthews | Nancy Tanney |
Michael Dow | Stacy Watson May | Susan Tate |
Willis Dowd | Monika Mayr | Ann Taylor |
Teresa Dowell | Patricia McCauley | Lelia Taylor |
Catherine M. Drompp Charitable Fund | Ross McCoy | Taylor Family |
Jack Dunaway | Mary Mcgibany | TD Bank |
Evelyn Dunham | David McGowan and Nina Barrengos | Sarahelen Thompson |
Amelia Dyar | William McKenna | Joseph and Carol Thompson Charitable Fund |
James Dyer | Joe and Nancy McTighe | Corinne Turkowski |
Nancy Eberhardt | Ila Rae Merten | United Way Worldwide Relief Fund |
Jonathan Edelman | Michael Myers and Chad Labenz | Katy Vega |
Holly Edenfield | Wendy Mikos | Mary Voyles |
George and Anne Egan | Constance Miller | Stephannie Waidner |
Carolyn Epting | Diana H. Miller | William Walker |
Jessica Espada | Miller Electric Company | Robert Walton |
Jacqueline Evans | Donna Grooms and Verona Mitchell | Linda Ward |
Linda Farris | Peter Mione | Christopher Watson |
Aileen Fearon-Frisz | Abdelwahab Missa | Second S. Watson |
Feature23 | Jim Molis | Mark and Lynette Weber |
Lewis Fischer | Shelley Moody | Tasha White-Parker |
Ilene Fisher | Barbara and Robert Morel | Marina Kay Wiatt |
Fitzsimmons Living Trust | Linda Moseley | Linda Wilkinson |
Dennis Flagg | Matthew Mueller | Amanda Williams |
James Flagg | Nelson Mullins | Daniel Williams |
Florida Power and Light | Andrew Mumford | Paul Williams |
Wayne Flowers | Michael and Marguerite Mumford | Kirrin and Matthew Winning |
Susan Foody | Janice Murray | Kimmie Winston |
Gayle Friscia | Thomas Nasby | Chanel Wood |
Katherine Fristrom | Shannon Neubauer | Michael Woodruff |
Andrea Fritschle | Susan Newton | Steven Younkin |
Jesse Fulford | Daniel Nunn Jr. | Cynthia Zarsky |
Lester Garrett | Oceanside Rotary | Seeman and Nancy Zimmerman |
Linda and Christopher Gerardi | Kevin O-Halloran | 25 Anonymous |
Johnetta Glover | Brielle Olorunda |
Additional Supporters
Cindy and Dan Edelman | Jacksonville Magazine |
Jacksonville Business Journal | JEA |